Programs for the Mass |
In mari miserie, maris stella, errantes cotidie a procella, defende nos et precare Dominum pie, ut ad portas gloriæ nos trahat per hoc mare. — In mari miserie, Offertory Motet (Anonymous, French 12th Cent.)*
Friday evening, I joined about forty pilgrims at Holy Name of Jesus Church (245 Prospect Park West) in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn for the Missa Cantata for Feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Arriving early, I made my usual intercessory prayers for the happy repose of the souls of my ancestors and Holy Hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Mass was sung by Celebrant and Homilist Fr. Tomasz Szczepanczyk, who spoke at length during his sermon about the importance of the Blessed Mother and her role as the new Eve. Servers Eddy Toribio (MC), Robert Jurman, Brian Hilley and Arrus Ortañez dutifully assisted Fr. Tomasz.
As always, the Ordinary of the Mass and motets performed by Director and organist David Adam Smith and choir—Nathaniel Adams, Art Bryan Manabat, Philip Cheah, and Peter Walker—gloriously filled the nave.
Thank you Rev. Lawrence D. Ryan, Pastor and all the Parish staff and congregation for your warm hospitality. Special thanks to Cindy Brolsma and organizers for your hard work and dedication. Once again, it was a privilege to celebrate our faith together.
The next Latin Mass at Holy Name of Jesus Church will be celebrated on Sunday, December 3rd at 5:00pm for the First Sunday of Advent.
* In a sea of misery, Star of the Sea, staggering daily by the storm, defend us and pray to our sweet Lord, that to the gates of glory He may draw us from this sea.