San Casimiro, ora pro nobis |
March 4th is the Feast of St. Casimir Jagiellon (1458-1484), Chaste Prince, Knight, Ascetic and Confessor of the Faith. Devoutly religious, the dutiful Prince was a skilled and prudent leader. Acquiring a reputation of holiness, he was uninterested in the allures of power. Afflicted with tuberculosis, the court doctors could not heal him. The hour of his death was revealed to him, and he prepared for it. Taking a crucifix in his hand, St. Casimir commended his spirit to the Lord and died. Many miracles have been attributed to the saint’s intercession. St. Casimir is the patron saint of Poland, Lithuania and young people.In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to Saint Casimir. The accompanying photo was taken in the rectory of St. Rita’s Church in Staten Island, New York. Evviva San Casimiro!
Prayer to Saint Casimir
O God, who didst preserve thy servant Casimir constant and faithful in thy service amidst the delights of a court, and the attractive allurements of the world, grant, we beseech thee, that by his intercession thy people may despise the transitory things of the world and eagerly pursue things which are eternal: through Jesus Christ our Lord.