July 13, 2024

Feast of St. Mildred of Thanet

St. Mildred of Thanet, ora pro nobis
July 13th is the feast of St. Mildred of Thanet, Benedictine Nun and Abbess. Daughter of King Merewalh of Magonsæte and his wife, St. Ermenburga, she was educated at the Royal Abbey of Chelles, near Paris. Given the veil by St. Theodore of Canterbury, she entered the monastery at Minster-in-Thanet in Kent, England, which was founded by her mother. Upon her mother’s death, she succeeded her as abbess. In 732 St. Mildred died at Minster from a lingering illness. Much beloved and with a reputation of holiness, she quickly became a local patron reverently known as “The Fairest Lily of the English.”

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Mildred of Thanet written by M. Lee Boseman. The accompanying photo comes courtesy of Father Eugene Carrella. The holy card is part of Father Carrella’s impressive collection of religious artifacts. Evviva St. Mildred of Thanet!

Prayer to St. Mildred of Thanet

Good Saint Mildred, sweet flower of perfection and charity, while on earth, you rejected the riches you had been born of and gave your life to Christ. You are well known for your sincere love and compassion for the poor; please pray for us that we may be pleasing to God by accepting His Holy Will. And in accepting His Holy Will may we be less concerned with our own sufferings and more eager to help others in need as you did. Remember also my special intention(s) I now faithfully entrust to you. (Name your special intentions) Pray for us Saint Mildred that we may be made true servants of Christ and share in the eternal joys of heaven with God Our Father. Amen