July 4, 2024

Feast of Sant’Ulrico di Augusta

Sant'Ulrico di Augusta, ora pro nobis
July 4th is the feast of St. Ulrich, Bishop of Augsburg. Born in Augsburg, Bavaria, in 890, he was educated at the abbey of St. Gall in Switzerland. After completing his studies, he returned to Augsburg, where he was ordained a priest. With the support of his kinsmen, Ulrich was made bishop of the city in 923.

As bishop, he restored buildings, built churches in honor of St. John and St. Afra, and founded the monastery of St. Stephan. A strong supporter and trusted advisor of Emperor Otto I the Great, he built Augsburg's stone wall fortifications and served as general against the invading Magyars. In 955 he successfully defended the city against the invaders until the arrival of the Emperor’s army and the siege was broken.

Often depicted with a fish, St. Ulrich famously rewarded a diligent messenger with a goose leg that miraculously turned into a fish on Friday morning.

St. Ulrich died in 973, and a local cult soon arose. Many miracles took place at his tomb and he was canonized by Pope John XV in 993, the first known canonization by a pope. He is invoked against anger, fever, mice, moles and complications with pregnancy and childbirth.

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Ulrich of Augsburg. The accompanying photo comes courtesy of Father Eugene Carrella. The holy card is part of Father Carrella’s impressive collection of religious artifacts. Evviva Sant’Ulrico di Augusta!

Prayer to St. Ulrich of Augsburg

O God our Father, you give us the lives of the saints as witnesses of Truth and examples of virtue. We thank you for the gift of St. Ulrich, who faithfully served your Church as a kindly Bishop that cared deeply for the poor and the sick. By his example of charity, perseverance and courage, may we too attain the holiness which he lived. We ask all things in the name of your Divine Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, through the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.