The gospel of the Bolsheviks has for our middle class with its materialistic outlook, its Rentnerseele, a truly apocalyptic strength and a satanical power of temptation. Our materialistic society can theoretically not be saved from bolshevism by itself (or from the more "national" form of socialism) because these political and economical theories are nothing else but the last iron consequences of their own herdist ideologies. With a little more honesty and a little less liberal inhibitions (and these fizzle out slowly) they should have surrendered a long time ago. After the rejection of the Cross by the homo oeconomicus all his interest became centered around the problem of increased income. Instead of the beatific vision, insurance and pensions became the axis of human longing. For pensions and increased salaries the Bolsheviks slaughtered three million people and exposed twenty million people to the bitter death of starvation. The National Socialists are now on the best way to commit similar atrocities for the benefit of another millennium with superhighways and an economical Lebensraum. Thus we see geocentrism and the brutal craving for material welfare leading to madness, mass slaughter, and the demoniacal construction of Babylonic Towers. And one must fear that we are now only at the very beginning of a series of catastrophes. The gates of hell are wide open and the reason for the cataclysmic character of this age has never been better characterized than by Vassili Romanov in his Apocalypse’s of Our Time where he says: Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
The deeper reason for everything now happening lies in the fact that owing to the withering away of Christianity enormous cavities have originated in the European World. Everything tumbles down now into these cavernous hollows.
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One cannot repeat it often enough that the only true revolutionary in this world is the Church with her basic opposition to the very spirit of our modern times. The same is true, to a certain extent, of every genuine, freedom-loving tradition which is based upon the Catholic notion of human responsibility and the free will, for whose philosophical and theological defense the Society of Jesus has earned everlasting merits.
Though bourgeois in spirit, communism (like any other ideology) can transcend its class limitations, but it will always betray its origin. W.H. Auden, for instance, in his enthusiasm for Red Spain, could not refrain from seeing the future of that country molded and shaped by the spirit of Welwyn Garden City or Brownsville in preference to that of Cervantes, Goya, or Calderón.
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Mediocrity is the death of every Rightist movement, but it is the very air in which Leftism thrives. A totalitarian leader who betrays practically every point of his party program hardly shakes the faith of his fanatical followers, but mediocre monarchs, Popes, and prelates have destroyed the old order.
* Reprinted from Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large by Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Isha Books, 2013, pp. 279-282