February 13, 2024

Feast of Beata Beatrice di Ornacieu

Beata Beatrice di Ornacieu, ora pro nobis

February 13th is the feast of Blessed Beatrice of Ornacieux, Virgin, Carthusian Nun, Foundress, Prioress, and Mystic. Born of noble birth circa 1240 in Ornacieux, France, Bl. Beatrice entered the Charterhouse of Parménie at the age of thirteen. Living a life of intense asceticism, prayer, and penance, she was often tormented and tempted with dreadful and lascivious visions by the Devil. Devoted to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, she pierced her left hand with a nail to better grasp the suffering of the Crucifixion. In 1300 she became prioress of the Charterhouse of Eymeux, which she helped found, and where she died on November 25, 1303. Blessed Pope Pius IX confirmed her cult on April 15, 1869. The Carthusians also celebrate her feast on November 25th.

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to Bl. Beatrice of Ornacieux. The accompanying photo comes courtesy of Father Eugene Carrella. The polychrome wood sculpture is part of Father Carrella’s impressive collection of religious statuary and relics. Evviva Beata Beatrice di Ornacieu!

Prayer to Bl. Beatrice of Ornacieaux

Father, Blessed Beatrice was a virgin consumed by love in imitating the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. With the help of her prayers and example may we arrive at eternal glory by sharing on earth in the sufferings of Your Son. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.