November 20, 2023

Feast of San Felice di Valois

San Felice di Valois, ora pro nobis

November 20th is the Feast of St. Felix of Valois (1127-1212), Cistercian hermit, Mystic and co-founder of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity for the Redemption of Captives (Trinitarians). An illustrious scion of the royal House of Valois, St. Felix (born Hugh) renounced his considerable wealth, was ordained a priest and withdrew to the forest of Meaux (near Paris) to live as an anchorite. His reputation for holiness attracted many followers, including his friend St. John of Matha.

According to tradition, during a walk in the forest with St. John, a magnificent stag briefly appeared before them with a shining red and azure cross between its antlers. The incident led St. John to recount a vision he had many years earlier of an angel wearing the same distinctive cross. Over the next three nights Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to the holy men and revealed His desire for them to establish a new religious order for the redemption of Christian slaves being held captive by the Moslems.

Red and azure Cross of the Order

Traveling to Rome for Papal permission to found a new congregation, they appealed to Pope Innocent III for his sanction. Witnessing the same celestial vision of an angel as St. John, the Holy Father consented to their request. Officially approved on December 17, 1198 the Trinitarians immediately began ransoming abducted Christians from the slave markets of Asia and Africa, sometimes offering themselves in exchange. They are believed to have saved as many as 140,000 slaves.

In celebration, I’m posting a prayer for St. Felix of Valois. The accompanying photo, courtesy of Anthony Scillia, was taken at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Evviva San Felice di Valois!

Prayer to St. Felix of Valois

O God, You inspired blessed Felix, Your confessor, to leave his hermitage to devote himself to the work of ransoming prisoners; grant we pray You that, by his intercession, through Your grace we may be freed from the bondage of sin and may be safely led to our heavenly home. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who being God, lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen