July 9, 2024

Feast of Santa Veronica Giuliani

Santa Veronica Giuliani, ora pro nobis
“It is not time to rest but to suffer.” ~ Diary of Santa Veronica Giuliani
July 9th is the Feast of Santa Veronica Giuliani (1660-1727), Capuchin Poor Clare and Mystic. Owing to a quaint childhood anecdote, she is the patron saint of fencers (schermitori). According to tradition, she was upset with an older cousin who was neglecting his prayers in order to practice fencing. Challenging him to a duel, she wounded him in the hand just enough to make him rest and contemplate his poor decision. With a deep-seated devotion to the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, she entered the Capuchin convent at Città di Castello in Umbria at the age of seventeen. Subject to numerous celestial and infernal visions, she received amid untold sufferings the gift of the stigmata, the Crown of Thorns, and Mystical Espousal to Christ. In celebration, I’m posting a prayer to St. Veronica Giuliani. The accompanying photo of Santa Veronica Giuliani was taken at the Chiesa Parrocchiale della SS. Immacolata in Salerno, Campania. Evviva Santa Veroniva Giuliani!

Prayer to St. Veronica Giuliani

O Lord Jesus Christ, who did glorify St. Veronica by the marks of Thy suffering grant us the grace to crucify our flesh and thus become worthy of attaining to the joys of eternity. Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.