May 16, 2024

Feast of St. Simon Stock

St. Simon Stock, ora pro nobis
May 16th is the Feast of St. Simon Stock, Mystic and Carmelite friar. An early Prior General of the Carmelite Order, in 1251 Our Lady appeared to him in Cambridge, England and gave him the Carmelite habit, the brown scapular, as a token of her protection and a promise of salvation to those who died wearing it. In celebration, I’m posting a prayer to St. Simon Stock. The accompanying photo is a detail of The Madonna in Glory with Saints and Angels by Onofrio Avellino (1674-1741) taken during my 2010 pilgrimage to the Santuario della Madonna del Carmine in Sorrento, Campania. Evviva St. Simon Stock!
Prayer to St. Simon Stock
O Holy St. Simon, thou were blessed with the apparition of Our Lady and received the Scapular as a special sign of her favor. Following thy example, I pledge to wear the Scapular faithfully and devoutly so that I may always have Our Lady's wonderful protection in life and her special help at the hour of death. Amen.