September 30, 2024

Feast of San Girolamo

St. Jerome in his study removing a thorn from the lion’s paw
September 30th is the Feast of San Girolamo (Saint Jerome), Doctor of the Church. A fourth century scholar and historian from the Roman province of Dalmatia, he is best known for his translation of the Holy Bible into Latin (the Vulgate) from the original Hebrew and Greek Septuagint. Protector of Cittanova in Reggio Calabria, San Girolamo is also the patron saint of archeologists, translators, scholars, librarians and students. In celebration, we're posting a Prayer to St. Jerome. The accompanying photo of St. Jerome removing a thorn from the lion’s paw (c. 1440-70) by Early Neapolitan Renaissance painter Niccolò Antonio Colantonio is on view at the Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte in Naples.
Prayer to St. Jerome
Master of unworldliness and founder of monasteries, you had a deep love for God's inspired Word and were a most careful translator of the Sacred Scriptures. Your single-mindedness in seeking God's glory is a perfect model for all exegetes. Inspire them with respect for the sacred text as well as for Tradition and the Church's Magisterium. Help them to impart to all the true meaning of the Word of God. Amen.