August 4, 2024

Feast of the Madonna di Porto Salvo

Madonna di Porto Salvo, ora pro nobis
The first Sunday of August is the Feast of the Madonna di Porto Salvo, Patroness of seafarers and Gallico Marino in Reggio Calabria. In celebration, I’m posting a Mariner’s Prayer. The accompanying photo of the Madonna di Porto Salvo was taken at Sacred Hearts — St. Stephen Church (125 Summit St.) in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. Evviva Madonna di Porto Salvo!
Mariner’s Prayer
Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Mother of God and our Mother, you know all the dangers of soul and body that threaten mariners. Protect your sons and daughters who work and travel on the waters of the world, and protect also their families that await their return. Star of the Sea, Mother of the Church, give light and strength to those chaplains and lay ministers who bring the love of your Divine Son among mariners. Fill their hearts with a supernatural and life-giving zeal for the apostolate. Star of the Sea, light shining in the darkness, be a guide to those who sail amid the storms and dangers of life. Enlighten the hearts of ardent disciples and bring us all to the safety of heaven’s port. Amen.