July 21, 2024

Feast of Sant’Alberico Crescitelli

Sant'Alberico Crescitelli, ora pro nobis
July 21 is the feast of Sant’Alberico Crescitelli (Guo Xide), Priest, Missionary, and Martyr. Born in Altavilla Irpina, Avellino on 30 June 1863, he entered the Pontifical Seminary of Saints Peter and Paul for Foreign Missions in Rome at the age of 12. Ordained in 1887, he was assigned to China by his superiors. Arriving in Shanghai in 1888, he journeyed to Ningqiang County in southern Shaanxi and converted many to the Faith. Captured and viciously tortured during the Boxer Rebellion, he was beheaded and tossed into the Han River on 21 July 1900.

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Alberic. Evviva Sant’Alberico Crescitelli!

Prayer to St. Alberic 

Holy Saint Alberic, missionary and martyr, you gave your life to bring the message of the Gospel to non-Christians. Please ask Jesus, the Master of the harvest to bring us an abundance of missionary vocations, to that everyone my come to know, love and serve the one true God; to help our missionaries all over the world to grow in love and dedication to their service in Your name; to help me, and all those for whom I now pray, by granting these favors (Mention your petitions). Finally, I ask you to help me live my faith with the same heroic fervor that you did during your life on earth. Amen.