July 12, 2024

Feast of Santa Veronica

Santa Veronica, ora pro nobis
July 12th is the feast of Santa Veronica of the veil, patron saint of photographers and laundry workers. According to tradition, she was moved by the sight of Jesus being brutally marched along the Via Dolorosa (Way of Grief) to Golgotha. Wiping the sweat and blood from His Holy Face (Volto Santo) with her veil, the likeness of Our Lord was miraculously impressed upon it. She is honored in the Sixth Station of the Cross. 
In celebration, I’m posting a Prayer to St. Veronica. The accompanying photo of Saint Veronica with the Veil by Mattia Preti (1613-1699) comes courtesy of the LACMA. Evviva Santa Veronica!
Prayer to St. Veronica 
St. Veronica, you gave Christ a towel on His way to Cavalry which He used to wipe the Precious Blood from His Holy Face. In return for this great act of kindness He left you His most Holy image on the towel. Pray for us to Our Lord that His Holy Face may be imprinted on our hearts so that we may be always be mindful of the Passion and Death of Our lord Jesus Christ, through the same Christ our Lord, Amen.