July 20, 2024

Feast of Santa Margherita di Antiochia

Santa Margherita, ora pro nobis
July 20th is the Feast of Santa Margherita di Antiochia, Virgin and Martyr. She is the patron saint of farmers, nurses and pregnant women. One of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and Four Capital Virgins, St. Margaret of Antioch is invoked against infertility and for safe childbirth. Widely venerated in Southern Italy, she is the principal patron of Pozzillo (CT), Licodia Eubea (CT), Latiano (BR), Cappadoci (AQ), Pettorano Sul Gizio (AQ), Castelluccio Superiore (PZ), and Villamagna (CH), among others. 
In addition to the martyr’s palm, she is often depicted with a dragon. According to tradition, the Devil in the guise of a great serpent appeared before Margaret to tempt and deceive her. Instead of succumbing to the foul fiend's treachery she simply made the sign of the cross and he fled recoiling in pain. Other versions of the story say she was swallowed whole by a dragon and pressing her cross against the creature’s stomach she emerged unharmed, thus her association with pregnancies and labor. 
In celebration, I’m posting a Prayer to Saint Margaret. The accompanying photo was taken at the Parish of S. Margherita e S. Nicola del Pumpulo in Pastena, Salerno. Evviva Santa Margherita di Antiochia!
Prayer to Saint Margaret of Antioch
O God, grant us through the intercession of Thy holy virgin and martyr Margaret, undauntedly to confess the Faith, carefully to observe the chastity of our state of life, and to overcome the temptations of the world, the devil, and the flesh, and thereby escape the punishments of eternal damnation. Amen