October 5, 2024

Feast of Santa Flavia

Santa Flavia, ora pro nobis
October 5th is the feast of Santa Flavia, Virgin and Martyr. Captured by Moslem corsairs with her brothers Placido, Eutichio and Vittorino while visiting the Benedictine abbey of Messina, she was tortured and put to death, along with her siblings and the monks, for refusing to renounce their faith. 

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to Santa Flavia. The accompanying photo, courtesy of Anthony Scillia, was taken in the Chiesa Madre dedicated to the Madonna delle Grazie in Castel di Lucio, Messina. Evviva Santa Flavia!

Prayer to Santa Flavia 

God our Father, you give us joy each year in honoring the memory of Santa Flavia, Virgin and Martyr. May her prayers be a source of help for us, and may her example of courage and chastity be our inspiration. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.

May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.

Feast of San Placido and Companions

San Placido, ora pro nobis
October 5th is the Feast of St. Placido (St. Placidus) and Companions, Martyrs. Arriving in Messina, Sicily from Monte Cassino in 534, the young Benedictine monk founded a monastery, drawing some thirty men to monastic life through his wondrous work and holy reputation. In 539 a band of pirates from North Africa raided the abbey in the dark of night, capturing the unsuspecting inhabitants, including Placido’s brothers, Eutychius and Victorinus, and their virgin sister Flavia, who was visiting from Rome. Bound and cruelly tortured, the captives were all eventually put to the sword when they refused to renounce their faith. Setting off with their ill-gotten-gains, the African marauders were soon swallowed up in divine retribution by Scylla and Charybdis, the mythical names of the infamous whirlpool in the strait of Messina.

Invoked against drowning because he was miraculously saved by San Mauro as a young child, San Placido is also the patron saint of religious novices, since he was an obedient disciple of San Benedetto Abate. Venerated across Southern Italy, San Placido is the principal protector of Castel di Lucio (ME), Biancavilla (CT), Poggio Imperiale (FG), and, along with the Madonna della Lettera, he is the co-patron of Messina, Sicily. In celebration, we're posting a prayer to St. Placidus. The accompanying photo of the statue with relic was taken at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Easton, Pennsylvania by Anthony Scillia. Evviva San Placido!

Prayer to St. Placidus

O God, who by means of martyrdom made blessed Placidus and his companions pass from exile to eternal glory, keep us for their prayers from all adversities and grant us to be able to participate in their glorious company in heaven. Amen

The Feast of Blessed Bartolo Longo

Blessed Bartolo Longo, ora pro nobis
October 5th is the Feast of Blessed Bartolo Longo, Man of Mary and Herald of the Rosary. In celebration, I’m posting a Prayer to Blessed Longo. Pictured above is my collection of prayer cards. The antique cards were a gift from a close friend who understands and appreciates my special devotion to Blessed Longo. Evviva Beato Bartolo Longo!
A Prayer to Blessed Bartolo Longo
All-powerful and merciful God, in Blessed Bartolo, a promoter of the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin, you showed a wonderful example of holiness and of charity for needy children and orphans. Through his prayers may we learn to see Christ your Son in our neighbors and to love him through them. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

October 4, 2024

Feast of San Francesco D’Assisi

San Francesco d'Assisi, ora pro nobis
Nor did demons crucify Him; it is you who have crucified Him and crucify Him still, when you delight in your vices and sins. ~ St. Francis of Assisi
October 4th is the Feast of San Francesco d’Assisi (Saint Francis of Assisi), patron saint of animals and ecology. Beloved patron of Cava de’ Tirreni in Salerno, the town’s processional statue is adorned with the Collar of the Golden Fleece and Constantinian Cross. The honor was bestowed upon the citizens of Cava by HM King Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies for their loyalty to the throne during Napoleon’s invasion and occupation of the Regno
In celebration, we're posting a Prayer to St. Francis. The accompanying photo of Saint Francis on horseback renouncing his wordly goods was taken in 2007 at the Basilica di San Francesco d’Assisi in Perugia, Umbria. Evviva San Francesco!

Prayer to St. Francis of Assisi 

O beloved Saint Francis, gentle and poor, your obedience to God and your simple, deep love for all God's creatures led you to the heights of heavenly perfection and turned many hearts to follow God's will. Now, in our day, pray also for us, in our ministry to the many who come here searching for peace and intercede for us as we come before the Lord with our special requests. [Mention your special intention.] O blessed Saint of God, from your throne among the hosts of heaven present our petitions before our faithful Lord. May your prayers on our behalf be heard and may God grant us the grace to lead good and faithful lives. Amen.Saint Francis of Assisi, Pray for us. Amen.

October 3, 2024

Helping Preserve Another Great Collection (Part 5)

(L) Madonna del Castello di Castrovillari, Cosenza.
(R) Madonna della Stella, Militello in Val, Catania
Friends with an avid collector of Italian American and Two Sicilies ephemera (among other things), I’ve been given an extraordinary opportunity to examine and handle a unique array of artifacts I would not normally have access to other than in books and online resources. Some of the more interesting items I’ve been documenting and working on preserving are his recently acquired collection of vintage prayer cards. Pictured is a small sample from the collection.
(L) Madonna di Montevergine. (R) Madonna della Consolazione, Bedonia, Parma
Madonna di Tindari
(L) Madonna di Corsignano, Giovinazzo, Bari.
(R) Maria SS. Assunta in Cielo di Casandrino, Napoli
Madonna Addolorata, Cefalà Diana, Palermo
Madre di Dio Incoronata, Foggia
(L) Madonna delle Grazie di San Sossio Baronia, Avellino.
(R) Madonna Incoronata del Pettorutto, San Sosti, Cosenza
(L) Madonna del Balzo di Bisaquino, Palermo.
(R) Madonna di Mellitto di Grumo Appula
(L) Madonna dei Martiri di Molfetta. (R) Madonna della Croce di Triggiano;
Madonna di Libera; and Madonna del Pozzo di Capurso, Bari 
S.S. Crocifisso di Ciminna, Chicago
(L) Santa Fara di Cinisi, Palermo. (R) San Leucio di S. Salvatore Telesino
Venerabile Lucia Mangano, Catania; Santa Margherita
di Licodia Eubea; and Sant'Angela Merici
(L) Santa Rosalia. (R) Santa Maria Greca, Corato; Madonna
Dell'Arco, Napoli; and Santa Lucia, Omaha, Nebraska
(L) San Cesario di Cesa, Caserta; Sant'Andrea di Amalfi; St. Adalbert; and San Felice in Princis di Cimitile, Napoli. (R) Madonna delle Grazie di Minturno; Madonna Addolorata di S. Elia, Palermo; and the Madonna del Carmine
(L) St. Simeone, patron saint of Camigliano, Caserta.
(R) Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
(L) San Vito Martire. (R) San Vincenzo Maria Strambi
(L) San Francesco di Paola, Fossato Serralta, Catanzaro. (R) Beato
Giovanni Liccio, Caccamo, Palermo; and Santa Fortunata di Boucina
SS. Salvatore di Montella, Avellino
(L) San Ciro, Napoli. (R) Santi Cosma e Damiano, Riace
(L) San Marzial Martire. (R) Beato Giovanni Liccio, Caccamo, Palermo
(L) San Laverio, Martire Teggianese. (R) San Giovan Giuseppe della Croce
San Calogero, Agrigento
Also see:
Helping Preserve Another Great Collection (Part 1)
Helping Preserve Another Great Collection (Part 2)
Helping Preserve Another Great Collection (Part 3)

Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the Little Flower of Jesus

St. Thérèse of Lisieux, ora pro nobis
October 3rd is the Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux (1873-1897), Virgin, Mystic, Ecstatic, and Doctor of the Church. Also known as St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, she is the patroness of florists, gardeners, missionaries and the victims of tuberculosis. On a personal note, the Little Flower is our familial patroness. I'll never forget when my maternal great-grandparents gave my paternal grandparents a statue for their front yard. Family and friends gathered to watch as my father installed it. Boy, have times changed. In celebration, I’m posting the Miraculous Invocation to St. Thérèse. Pictured are a few devotional objects passed down to me from my parents. Evviva St. Thérèse!
Miraculous Invocation to St. Thérèse
O Glorious St. Thérèse, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and inspire the human family, I implore your Miraculous Intercession. You are so powerful in obtaining every need of body and spirit from the Heart of God. Holy Mother Church proclaims you "Prodigy of Miracles... the greatest saint of Modern Times." Now I fervently beseech you to answer my petition (mention in silence here) and to carry out your promises of spending heaven doing good on earth... of letting fall from Heaven a Shower of Roses. Little Flower, give me your childlike faith, to see the Face of God in the people and experiences of my life, and to love God with full confidence. St. Thérèse, my Carmelite Sister, I will fulfill your plea "to be made known everywhere" and I will continue to lead others to Jesus through you. Amen.

October 2, 2024

Feast of the Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels, orate pro nobis
October 2nd is the Feast of the Guardian Angels, heavenly spirits assigned to watch over us throughout our lives. In celebration, we're posting a Prayer to Our Guardian Angel. The accompanying photo was taken at the Saint Athanasius School gymnasium in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn.

Prayer to Our Guardian Angel

O Holy Guardian Angel, my dear friend and solicitous guide on the dangerous way of life, to thee be heartfelt thanks for the numberless benefits which have been granted me through thy love and goodness and for the powerful help by which thou hast preserved me from so many dangers and temptations. I beg of thee, let me further experience thy love and thy care. Avert from me all danger, increase in me horror for sin and love for all that is good. Be a counselor and consoler to me in all the affairs of my life, and when my life draws to a close, conduct my soul through the valley of death into the kingdom of eternal peace, so that in eternity we may together praise God and rejoice in His glory. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Announcing CROSS & CROWN: The New Gebetsliga Newsletter

Dear Friends of Blessed Karl,

October 3 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Beatification of Emperor Karl. To celebrate we’re announcing CROSS & CROWN — the new monthly newsletter from the Emperor Karl League of Prayer USA / Canada. Each month, we’ll bring you inspiring news, events, and reflections that celebrate Blessed Karl. Whether you’re new to his story or a long-time devotee, this newsletter is your place to grow in knowledge and devotion.

From all of us at the League, welcome and happy anniversary!

The Gebetsliga USA / Canada

Upcoming Events

A Light for Our Times: Blessed Karl Conference Washington, D.C.

October 18-20, 2024

Join us this October for an unforgettable Conference. Various events will explore Karl’s life and legacy with prominent scholars, clergy, and cultural figures showcasing Karl’s witness and enduring legacy for leaders and faithful today.

Register Today

Sung Mass for Blessed Karl in Washington, DC

Saturday, October 19, 2024

10:30 AM 12:30 PM

Saint Mary Mother of God Church
727 5th Street Northwest Washington, DC, 20001 United States

Join faithful from around the country on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 10:30am for a Solemn sung Mass (Novus Ordo) at St. Mary Mother of God Parish in Washington, DC, in honor of Blessed Karl of Austria. The Mass will feature the world premiere of the Mass in Honor of Blessed Karl of Austria by Paul Jernberg. Jernberg composed the work and will serve as conductor at the premiere.

Mass for Blessed Karl in Chièvres, Belgium

Sunday, October 20, 2024
4:30 PM 6:00 PM

Our Lady Tongre Basilica
1, parvis Notre Dame de Tongre 7951 Tongre Notre Dame

The Basilica of Our Lady of Tongre invites you to Mass in honor of Blessed Karl of Austria. Home to a Shrine of Blessed Karl, the Basilica received a relic of Blessed Karl in October 2015 in the presence of over 400 people. To visit there website, click here.

Following the Mass will be veneration of a 1st Class relic of Blessed Karl with prayers and litanies.

Celebrant Rev. Marc Lamotte, Vicar, Basilica of Tongre

Mass and Reception of Relic for Shrine in Cincinnati, OH

Monday, October 21, 2024
6:30 PM 8:00 PM

Old St. Mary's Church
123 East 13th Street Cincinnati, OH, 45202 United States

Join Old St. Mary’s Parish and the Oratorians of Cincinnati for Mass and the reception of Blessed Karl’s relic in preparation for the newest Shrine to Blessed Karl in North America.

Old St. Mary's is the oldest church in Cincinnati and, since 2017, home to The Cincinnati Oratory, a society of the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri. The church was organized in 1840 by German immigrants, at a time of dramatic growth in the city's population. True to it’s roots, Old St. Mary’s continues to promote holiness, sanctity, and Catholic Culture in the Over-the-Rhine area and greater Cincinnati and continues to host a German Mass each Sunday.

October 1, 2024

Hidden Homes of Southern Italy and Sicily: Inspirational Homes Under the Mediterranean Sun

A forthcoming title that may be of interest to our readers. Available at Amazon.com

Hidden Homes of Southern Italy and Sicily: Inspirational homes under the Mediterranean sun by Marta Galli

Publisher: Ryland Peters & Small
Publication Date: June 10, 2025
Hardcover: $39.95
Language: English
Pages: 208

Read description

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