July 11, 2024

Feast of St. Oliver Plunket

St. Oliver Plunket, ora pro nobis

July 11th is the Feast of St. Oliver Plunket (1625-1681), Bishop and Martyr. Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland, St. Oliver Plunket was arrested on false charges in Dublin in 1679 as a collaborator in the so-called “Popish Plot,” a fictitious conspiracy devised to whip up anti-Catholic hysteria. Found guilty of high treason and propagating the Roman Faith in a mock trial, he was hanged and drawn and quartered in Tyburn, England in 1681.

In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Oliver Plunket. The photo comes courtesy of Father Eugene Carrella. The statue and "ex ossibus" relic of St. Oliver Plunket is part of Father Carrella’s impressive collection of religious statuary and relics. Evviva St. Oliver Plunket!

Prayer to St. Oliver Plunket

Glorious martyr, Saint Oliver Plunkett, who willingly gave your life for the faith, help us also to be strong in our faith. By your intercession and example may all hatred and bitterness be banished from the hearts of men and women. May the peace of Christ reign in our hearts as it did in your heart even at the moment of your death. Amen.