July 8, 2024

Feast of San Procopio di Cesarea di Palestina

San Procopio di Scitopoli, ora pro nobis
July 8 is the Feast of San Procopio di Cesarea di Palestina (also San Procopio di Scitopoli), Ascetic, Exorcist and Martyr. A native a Aelia Capitolina, Jerusalem, Procopius was the first Christian to be martyred in Palestine under Emperor Diocletian’s decree of persecution in 303. He is the patron saint of San Procopio in Reggia Calabria.

In celebration, I’m posting the prayers to St. Procopius the Great from Byzantine Catholic Prayer for the Home. They are meant for private use. 

The accompanying image depicts the great protomartyr as a holy warrior. Evviva San Procopio di Scitopoli!


Troparion Tone 8 Receiving heaven's invitation, O saint, you turned from ancestral infamy and traditional homage, begging zealous like Paul for Christ. You endured many tortures and wounds, and you have been repaid with a crown of glory; so pray to Christ to save us, O great martyr Procopius.

Kontakion Tone 2 Inflamed with a heavenly zeal for Christ, and protected by the might of the Cross, you leveled the rages and the gall of the fire. You raised up the Church, O Procopius, by the strength of your faith. You enlighten us!

Stichera from For a Martyr.

Sessional Hymns from the weekday.