May 30, 2024

Feast of San Ferdinando III, King of Castile and León

San Ferdinando III, ora pro nobis
May 30 is the Feast of San Ferdinando III (c.1200-1252), King of Castile and León. During the Reconquest of Spain, the “invincible champion of Christ” conquered the cities of Córdoba, Jaén, Sevilla and Murcia. A wise and virtuous monarch, with a great devotion to Our Lady, he was a model Christian ruler. The holy sovereign’s sword, Lobera, or "wolf-slayer,” is kept in the Capilla Real in the Cathedral of Seville. He is the patron saint of engineers, prisoners, the poor and rulers. In celebration, we’re posting a prayer to St. Ferdinand of Castile. Evviva San Ferdinando III!

Prayer to St. Ferdinand of Castile

O God, who was pleased that blessed Ferdinand should fight thy battles and overcome the enemies of faith: grant that, protected by his intercession, we may be delivered from the enemies of mind and body. Amen.