November 30, 2020

Around the Web: The Latest from Crisis Magazine by Historian Charles A. Coulombe

Photos courtesy of Crisis Magazine
November 27, 2020
The Cross, the Crescent, or the Swastika?

By Charles A. Coulombe

If the past month has been chaotic in America, it has seen some bloody scenes here in Europe. On the morning of October 29, a 21-year old Tunisian national entered the Basilica of Notre Dame in Nice, France began knifing the three people he found there. He virtually severed the head of an elderly lady, stabbed an old man in the throat fatally, and then cut another lady sufficiently that while she escaped she succumbed to her wounds in a nearby cafĂ©. Hastily summoned, the police shot the young man dead. That same day, here in Vienna, a mob of 50 Muslim youths invaded the Church of St. Anthony of Padua, kicked pews and a confessional, stormed around a bit shrieking “Allahu Akbar!” and then left.

Also here in Vienna, just a few days later on November 2 (All Souls Day, ironically) a twenty-year-old Macedonian Muslim went on a shooting spree in the tourist-filled First District, killing four and wounding 23 before being gunned down himself by police. Although the authorities declared that he had acted alone, they did arrest 14 people in the course of their enquiries. Continue reading

November 23, 2020
Civil War Is Coming. Can We Stop It in Time?

By Charles A. Coulombe

As all the world knows, the election of 2020 was destined to be messy, as the two nations inhabiting the territory of these United States geared up for battle: after four years of nonstop media abuse, in which the major news generators had long since abandoned any pretense to impartiality, both sides were spoiling for a fight. The two simply don’t inhabit the same mental universe. For the one faction, the four years of intolerable rule by the evil Orangeman threatened as nothing else had such natural rights as infanticide and sodomitical unions. For the other, the looming tyranny they endured under Obama seemed poised to return with a vengeance—punctuated by burning cities and the long march of the “woke” through beloved institutions. Thus far, the disputed election returns seem to the former as deliverance from Pharaoh, and to the latter as a titanic fraud amounting to a rolling coup. It is a tense moment at this writing, and into the midst of it has dropped a video tweeted by Jon Voight. Continue reading

For more by Charles A. Coulombe visit Crisis Magazine