August 7, 2024

Feast of San Donato di Arezzo

San Donato di Arezzo, ora pro nobis
August 7th is the Feast of San Donato di Arezzo, Bishop and Martyr. Born in Nicomedia, a Greek city in Asia Minor, he moved to Rome with his family and studied to become a cleric. After the persecution and death of his parents during the reign of Julian the Apostate, he fled to Arezzo in central Italy, where he was ordained a deacon and eventually became the town's bishop.

Many miracles are attributed to San Donato, including curing a child of epilepsy and slaying a dragon. However, none are more popular than the story of the broken chalice. According to tradition, a group of pagans stormed into church during Mass and smashed a glass chalice. Donato calmly gathered the pieces, save one missing shard, and put the vessel back together. Despite having a hole in the bottom, he filled the glass with wine without spilling a drop. Having witnessed this miracle, the unbelievers converted to Christianity.

Not long after this incident, Donato was denounced and arrested for practicing magic by Quadraziano, the local prefect. Suffering many cruel tortures he refused to renounce his faith and was condemned to death. Put to the sword, San Donato was martyred on August 7th, 362 AD.

Widely venerated throughout Southern Italy, San Donato is one of the principal patrons of Monteforte Cilento (SA), Contursi Terme (SA), San Donato di Lecce (LE), San Donato Val di Comino (FR), San Donato di Ninea (CS) and Fossacesia (CH), among others. In celebration, I'm posting a prayer to San Donato. The accompanying photo was taken at Most Precious Blood Church, National Shrine of San Gennaro in New York City's Little Italy. Evviva San Donato di Arezzo!

Prayer to San Donato

Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that the examples of San Donato di Arezzo may effectually move us to reform our lives; that while we celebrate his festival, we may also imitate his actions. Look upon our weakness, almighty God, and since the burden of our own deeds weighs heavily upon us, may the glorious intercession of San Donato protect us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.