August 5, 2024

Feast of the Madonna della Neve

Madonna della Neve, pra pro nobis
August 5th is the Feast of the Madonna della Neve, patroness of Sanza in the Provincia di Salerno. In celebration, I'm posting a Prayer to Our Lady of the Snow. The photos were taken at Saint Francis of Paola Church (219 Conselyea Street) in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

According to tradition, in 352 AD a wealthy Roman patrician named Giovanni who was without child wanted to donate his fortune to a worthy cause. Unsure what to do, he prayed for a sign. On the night of August 5th the Blessed Mother visited him in a dream and told him, "Where you see the snow you are to build a church." 

The next morning the perplexed man sought council with Pope Liberius. He was astounded to learn that the Holy Father had the same dream. Seeing how it was a sweltering August day they were uncertain as to what it meant. However, any confusion they may have had was soon put to rest when they spotted snow on the summit of the Esquiline Hill. Continue reading