July 28, 2024

Feast of Santi Martiri Nazario and Celso

Santi Nazario e Celso, orate pro nobis
July 28th is the Feast of the Martyrs San Nazario and San Celso (Nazarius and Celsus), patron saints of Trivento (CB) in Molise and Frignano (CE) in Campania.

According to tradition, San Nazario was born in Rome to a well-to-do family; his father was a pagan (or Jewish) legionnaire and his mother was none other than St. Perpetua. Baptized by the future Pope St. Linus, he was a devout disciple of St. Peter.

Determined to spread the faith and save souls, San Nazario left the Eternal City and visited northern Italy and Gaul. Along his travels, young Celso was entrusted to Nazario and faithfully served as his assistant during his evangelizing mission.

Repeatedly running afoul with the pagan authorities, the companions were subjected to several tortures. Most famously, the two were to be drowned and cast overboard along the Ligurian coast. Instead of sinking, they miraculously stood up and walked on water. Suddenly a great storm whipped-up and the sailors begged Nazario and Celso to save them. Showing mercy to the would-be executioners, they safely sailed back to Genoa and continued their missionary work.

Nazario and Celso eventually went to their reward in Heaven during the reign of Emperor Nero. Around the year 56 they were beheaded for preaching in Milan. Centuries later, their uncorrupted bodies, including a vial of San Nazario’s blood, were discovered in a garden by St. Ambrose. Interred in the Basilica Apostolorum (eventually renamed San Nazaro in Brolo), St. Ambrose would later send relics of the saints to St. Paulinus in Nola, who greatly revered them.

In celebration, I’m posting a prayer to San Nazario and San Celso in Italian. The accompanying photo of St. Nazarius was taken at Saint Lucy’s Church in Newark, New Jersey. Evviva Santi Nazario e Celso!


A Santi Nazario e Celso

Gloriosissimi Martiri ed Apostoli di Gesù. Santi Nazario e Celso, che con animo invitto e singolare carità ci avete illuminato a conoscere il vero Dio e ci avete ammaestrato nella fede e nella religione di N. S. Gesù Cristo, fonte di vera civiltà e salvezza, venite in nostro aiuto e degnatevi di intercedere per noi. Ottenete ai pusillanimi vigoria di cristiana virtù e vivezza di fede, ai peccatori una vera contrizione delle loro colpe, ai giusti la finale perseveranza. Ascoltate le preghiere di chi ricorre al vostro valevole patrocinio e siate voi gli Angeli tutelari delle nostre famiglie. Deh fate, o invitti Martiri del Signore, che non venga meno nei nostri cuori la fede e l'amore a Gesù Cristo; che fermi ci manteniamo nel divino servizio e possiamo un giorno essere coronati con Voi nel S. Paradiso. Così sia.