July 20, 2024

Feast of Sant’Elia Profeta

Sant'Elia Profeta, ora pro nobis
July 20th is the Feast of Sant’Elia Profeta (St. Elijah the Prophet), Miracle Worker and Father of the Carmelites. Patron saint of aviators, he is the principle protector of Sant'Elia a Pianisi (CB), Buonabitacolo (SA), Maschito (PZ), Sperone (AV), and Peschici (FG), among others. 
In celebration, we're posting a Prayer to Saint Elijah. Pictured is a friend's Russian Orthodox pendant depicting Sant'Elia. Evviva Sant'Elia Profeta!
Prayer to Saint Elijah
O glorious St. Elijah, ever a mirror of sanctity and justice, while living in this valley of tears, obtain for us of God the grace to be your followers on earth, that we may one day be partakers with you in the everlasting glory in heaven. O great Patriarch of the Order of Mount Carmel, teacher of God's people and the defender of their Faith, disperse, we entreat you, the darkness of our intellect, obscured by our evil passions, and preserve in our hearts the Faith which is kept living by works of charity. O holy Patriarch of the Most high, taken into heaven in a chariot of fire, and who shall be the precursor of Christ, when He shall come in the splendor of his infinite majesty to judge the living and the dead, pray for us, that loving Him and sincerely serving Him on earth, we may have the great happiness of loving Him for all eternity in the blessed kingdom of heaven. Amen.